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West Bengal Public Service Commission Vacancy 2024: Notification, Exam Pattern, Admit Card, Result

West Bengal Public Service Commission Exam 2024: WBPSC Notification, Admit Card, Result Date


Latest Notification for WBPSC Recruitment 2024

WBPSC Recruitment Notification for 852 Vacancies
Attention, all aspiring candidates! An important announcement has been issued by the authorities. The latest update from the Department reveals a significant number of job opportunities, specifically 852 vacancies across multiple sectors such as Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical domains. These positions are awaiting the right individuals to fill them and contribute to the workforce. Detailed information regarding these job openings, accurate until June 6, 2024, will soon be made public for easy access by interested parties. It is pertinent to note that selection for these coveted roles will be determined based on the outcomes of the Junior Engineers’ Recruitment Examination held in 2022. To assist potential candidates in planning ahead, the official schedule for interviews and a comprehensive list of available positions will be promptly released on the Commission’s website by the Confidential Section. Stay tuned for further updates and make sure to seize this opportunity to pursue a rewarding career path.