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RTE School Admission 2024-25: Apply for Quality Education

All India RTE School Admission 2024-25: Key Dates & Info

Enrollment is now open for the 25 percent Right to Education (RTE) quota across all states for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Right to Education Act, passed by the Indian Parliament on August 4, 2009, also referred to as the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, underscores the obligation to provide free and compulsory education to children aged 6 to 14 in India, as outlined in Article 21a of the Indian Constitution. This legislation acknowledges education as a fundamental right for all children within this age group and establishes key principles for primary educational institutions. According to the Act, private schools are required to reserve 25% of their seats for children, with admission criteria focused on economic status or caste factors.

RTE School Admission 2024-25: Key Objectives Explained

TopicRTE Admission
ActRight to Education Act
BeneficiariesAge 6 to 14 years Children
Quota25% Available Seats
School TypePrivate Schools
Academic Year2024-25
Application ModeOnline
Home PageClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

State Wise RTE Portal Admissions 2024-25

RTE School ListOfficial Website
Andhra Pradesh RTE School Listcse.ap.gov.in/RTE
Assam RTE School Listeducation.assam.gov.in
Arunachal Pradesh RTE School Listeducation.arunachal.gov.in
Bihar RTE School Listpmsonline.bih.nic.in/rte
Chhattisgarh RTE School Listrte.cg.nic.in
Goa RTE School Listscert.goa.gov.in
Gujarat RTE School Listgscpcr.gujarat.gov.in
Haryana RTE School Listschooleducationharyana.gov.in
Himachal Pradesh RTE School Listhimachal.nic.in
Jharkhand RTE School Listrte.jharkhand.gov.in
Karnataka RTE School Listsdcedn.karnataka.gov.in
Kerala RTE School Listkescpcr.kerala.gov.in
Madhya Pradesh RTE School Listrteportal.mp.gov.in
Maharashtra RTE School Liststudent.maharashtra.gov.in
Manipur RTE School Listbsem.nic.in
Meghalaya RTE School Listmegeducation.gov.in
Mizoram RTE School Listschooleducation.mizoram.gov.in
Nagaland RTE School Listwww.education.gov.in
Odisha RTE School Listrteparadarshi.odisha.gov.in
Punjab RTE School Listepunjabschool.gov.in
Rajasthan RTE School Listrajpsp.nic.in
Sikkim RTE School Listdsel.education.gov.in
Tamil Nadu RTE School Listtnschools.gov.in/rte
Telangana RTE School Listschooledu.telangana.gov.in
Tripura RTE School Listsseducation.tripura.gov.in
Uttarakhand RTE School Listrteonline.uk.gov.in
Uttar Pradesh RTE School Listrte25.upsdc.gov.in
West Bengal RTE School Listbanglarshiksha.gov.in

RTE School Admission List UT 2024-25

RTE School ListOfficial Website
A&N Islands RTE School Listeducation.andaman.gov.in
Chandigarh RTE School Listchdeducation.gov.in
Dadra and Nagar Haveli RTE School Listdnh.gov.in
Daman & Diu RTE School Listdnh.gov.in
Delhi RTE School Listedustud.nic.in
Jammu & Kashmir RTE School Listjkeducation.gov.in
Ladakh RTE School Listdse.ladakh.gov.in
Lakshadweep RTE School Listlakshadweep.gov.in
Puducherry RTE School Listschooledn.py.gov.in